Cop28 hosted in Dubai by an oil giant



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2 min

Climate: Cop28 hosted in Dubai by an oil giant

Climate: Cop28 hosted in Dubai by an oil giant – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – V.Frédéric, L.Gublin, J.Pelletier, L.Viannay

France Televisions

The United Arab Emirates will host Cop28, which will be held in Dubai. However, the country’s carbon footprint represents three times that of France.

During Cop28, the planet’s climate future will be discussed at one of the world’s largest oil producers, in Dubai. The president of the event, Sultan al-Jaber is both the boss of the country’s first oil company, but also of a leading company in renewable energies. The Emirates want to green their image, despite the apparent contradictions.

A huge need for air conditioning

In Dubai, many residents own several cars. The United Arab Emirates is one of the countries with a heavy carbon footprint, with 26.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emitted each year per capita, three times more than in France. This toll is aggravated by the country’s enormous need for air conditioning. The Emirates would like to make their electricity consumption cleaner. A solar power plant has been installed in the Abu Dhabi desert. However, producing hydrocarbons for export remains a problem.

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