COP26: the objective, reduce global warming




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The COP26 opened in Glasgow (Scotland) on Sunday 31 October. Jean-Baptiste Marteau, journalist for France Television, in duplex, explains the objectives that await the participating countries.

One of the main topics of discussion at this meeting was global warming. “The G20 countries are renewing their goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. This requires strong and effective measures and this is often where things go wrong in these types of summits “, spear Jean-Baptiste Marteau , duplex in Rome. A goal that remains difficult to achieve. “The objective set in Paris was already very ambitious. In theory, we would have to go even further in Glasgow to hope to maintain the objective set “, he adds.

In order to reach the target, many countries will need to honor their commitments. “The problem is that almost all countries have already failed to meet the commitments made six years ago. We can cite Germany and its coal-fired power stations, Russia and Brazil …, he continues. According to Guillaume Daret, this COP 26 which will continue in Glasgow must serve first “to re-mobilize countries”, in order to prove “that we can finally move from words to actions”, concludes Guillaume Daret.

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