COP26 President calls on aspiring Prime Ministers to respect carbon neutrality goal

Of the five candidates still in the running to succeed Boris Johnson in Downing Street, only one has not questioned the country’s goal – and the levers to achieve it – of carbon neutrality by 2050.

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COP26 President Alok Sharma on Sunday (July 17th) called on the candidates for the post of British Prime Minister not to give up on the United Kingdom’s objective of carbon neutrality. Of the five candidates still in the running to succeed Boris Johnson in Downing Street, only former finance minister Rishi Sunak has not questioned the country’s goal – and the levers to achieve it towards carbon neutrality by 2050.

As the contenders meet on Sunday night for a second televised debate, COP26 President Alok Sharma called on them to pledge to uphold that pledge. “Anyone who aspires to lead our country must show that they take the problem very seriously”he told the newspaper. The Observer. “I hope all the candidates realize why this is so important to voters (…) And I hope we will see, especially in the last two candidates, very clear commitments” on the subject. Asked about his possible resignation if such commitments were not kept, he said “don’t discard anything”.

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