COP26: a possible agreement after a night of negotiations



France 3

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Negotiations continue on Saturday 13 November at Glasgow, in Scotland, where the COP26, which should have ended the day before. the British president of the conference, Alok Sharma, must speak in the afternoon in order to take stock of progress.

After a whole night of uninterrupted negotiations at the COP26, in Scotland, a third provisional working document was released on Saturday 13 November. Each time, the previous documents are compared. The mention of the abandonment of funding for so-called inefficient fossil fuel projects is still present, reports, Saturday noon from Glasgow, the journalist Matthieu Boisseau, who specifies that “it would be a first“.

The time for agreement has not yet come, however, since technical points remain to be settled: can we exchange rights To pollute? How to account for the reduction in CO2 emissions? At midday on Saturday, the British President of this COP26, Alok Sharma, must take the floor to take stock of the progress of the negotiations. He hopes to conclude the summit in the late afternoon, without any guarantees.

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