COP15 on biodiversity | Disgruntled delegates slam the door

(Montreal) A meeting on mobilizing the financial resources needed to achieve the new global framework for nature came to an abrupt end overnight Tuesday-Wednesday when delegates from developing countries slammed the door, unhappy with what which took shape there.

” [Ces] countries left the meeting considering that it was impossible for the discussions to progress because the developed countries were not ready to compromise”, reported the non-governmental organization Avaaz, dedicated to public speaking on issues social and environmental.

The departure of these delegates from the “contact group” — an informal gathering of delegates aimed at discussing specific topics — on resource mobilization at 12:49 a.m., was followed shortly thereafter by the end of the meeting of the another contact group, focusing on the review of the monitoring and enforcement mechanisms of the global framework, says Avaaz.

“After weeks of acting as if talks could move forward without properly addressing the issue of financial resources, the parties are done pretending,” the organization said in a statement.

More details to come.

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