COP 27: already the 27th climate summit



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Sunday, November 6, the 27th climate summit opens. Christelle Méral was live from Sharm El-Sheikh, in Egypt, to take stock of this new edition.

As COP 27 opens on Sunday November 6, journalist Christelle Méral believes that “we can expect at least some concrete progress”. In Brazil, for example, Lula has returned to power and he promises to protect the Amazon rainforest. Some African countries could also commit to better protecting forests. “But there are also great absentees here in Sharm El-Sheikh, such as President Xi Jinping. China is nevertheless the number one polluter on the planet”continues the journalist, sent on the spot.

US President Joe Biden will travel to COP 27 in six days, after the midterm elections. But if the Republicans win, it could jeopardize his climate plan. “And then, there is the war in Ukraine. It favors the return to coal. And the countries invest more in military expenditure than for those in favor of the energy transition. It is a tense context which weighs on this COP 27 “concludes Christelle Méral.

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