Badly seen by the French at the start
From the brassica family, we have known it for a while since the Greeks and Romans already ate it. In France, it was frowned upon for a long time, but during the Renaissance, it became fashionable because the French love to copy the Italians, and in Italy we love cauliflower. We therefore began to cook this vegetable, which at the time was called Cyprus cabbage, or Syrian cabbage, which gave it an exotic side. A Syrian cabbage that grows wonderfully in Brittany today, which produces more than 85% of French cauliflower, far ahead of the North. We are even exporters of cauliflower since we sell 100,000 tons of it a year.
Delicious in the kitchen
– Debby Lewis-Harrison Creative – No: 692024401
In the kitchen, it is of course delicious in a gratin with a good béchamel sauce, you can also make a salad with vinaigrette. It can be prepared as a curry with pumpkin, added to cod brandade, or prepared as a crumble or even in tajines. The best-known recipe is Crème du Barry, named after the Comtesse du Barry, mistress of Louis XV, originally from Lorraine, and for whom this soup is said to have been prepared.
Barry soup and its recipe
– By Jean-Pol GRANDMONT — Own work, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia
Boil the cauliflower, then drain it, steam it in a saucepan for 20 minutes with 40 grams of butter, add 1 potato, 10 cl of white broth, 400 ml of milk, salt and pepper, leave to cook for another 20 minutes over low heat before blending and serving, adding small croutons.
Health side
It is the best for the diet since it is very low in calories while being rich in vitamin C or vitamin B9. It is also a source of selenium. Cooking is done with a few ingredients like cauliflower, but it is mostly done with heart