Convoys “Outside the CAQ” | The SQ is ready, Legault calls for calm

The “Dehors la CAQ” convoys, which will travel to L’Assomption on 1er October to denounce the management of the pandemic by the Legault government, will be followed closely by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ). The CAQ chief, he calls for demonstrations “with respect”.

Posted at 1:14 p.m.
Updated at 1:50 p.m.

Henri Ouellette-Vezina

Henri Ouellette-Vezina
The Press

“Of course we are preparing for different things. Above all, we want to make sure that everything is done in the best possible way, without threatening the integrity of people and property, ”said Lieutenant Benoit Richard, spokesman for the SQ for the elections, on Wednesday.

So far, more than a thousand people have signaled their interest in participating in the protest on social media. “Dehors la CAQ” convoys should leave from several cities to converge on L’Assomption, the riding of François Legault, on Saturday 1er October, two days before the vote. A walk of approximately one kilometer will take place towards the constituency office of the outgoing Prime Minister.

On Facebook, the organizers say they want to “denounce the current government of Quebec, mainly represented by the CAQ, for having abused the motive of the pandemic to create social, human, emotional and financial disorders in Quebec society”.

Lieutenant Richard affirms that “each movement will be analyzed” individually. “We cannot talk about the type of preparation or the strategies, but you can be sure that we will deploy the resources accordingly to meet all the needs on our territory”, he insisted, specifying however that “the right to demonstrate exists” and that it will in no way be violated.

The CAQ calls for calm

In writing, the office of the head of the CAQ indicated on Wednesday that it was aware “that the pandemic has been difficult for many Quebecers”. “We did everything to save lives. Quebecers were very united. They made a lot of sacrifices to get us out of this pandemic, ”said press officer Ewan Sauves. “Freedom of expression is a fundamental right. On the other hand, it must be exercised with respect, without intimidation,” he added, without commenting further on the expected demonstrations.

Among the Conservatives, Éric Duhaime did not want to answer questions from journalists on the “Dehors la CAQ” convoys on Tuesday evening. “We are in no way linked to this demonstration, reiterated the Conservative leader’s press secretary, Cédric Lapointe, on Wednesday. We defend the right to protest, but protests must be respectful and peaceful. »

Two weeks ago, Mr. Duhaime had defended his candidates who had financed the “freedom convoy” in Ottawa, while Radio-Canada had revealed that five of them had made donations of between $20 and $125. in support of the truckers’ demonstration. “The candidates did nothing violent, everything was peaceful. Myself, at the time, I supported the truckers,” he said.

“Me, what I saw of the movement of truckers, it was people who had had enough of abusive health measures,” added the Conservative leader.

A long list of complaints

This time, the list of criticisms made of the Legault government is long: it is incumbent on it in particular to have “unreasonably confined society three times by imposing curfews having no proven effect on transmission”, or even to having “forced the closure of Quebec businesses, causing massive bankruptcies”, even having “removed parental primacy” with Bill 15.

It is also denounced that Quebec has “discriminated against citizens who wonder about the methods of managing the pandemic by accusing them of being conspirators simply because they are wondering”, or even “deprived professionals of expressing themselves freely in creating a law of omerta”.

Quebec also “used the health emergency to carry out extraordinary expenses, completely unreasonable and without any call for tenders”, denounce the organizers, who also believe that the media were used to “filter information”.

With Mylène Crête, The Press

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