“Convoys of freedom”, controversy around the “great replacement” of Valérie Pécresse … The informed of the morning of Tuesday February 15, 2022

Every morning, those in the know discuss topics that are or will be the news of the day.

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Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, to decipher the news of Tuesday February 15, Carole Barjonpolitical columnist at theObs and Yannick Faltpolitical journalist at franceinfo.

The themes :

– Valérie Pécresse, the dangers of the splits: Some turmoil was reported in the campaign team on Monday morning. Xavier Bertrand and Jean-François Copé call for no longer using the expression “great replacement” after the Zénith meeting. “We must clarify, say that the ‘great replacement’it’s not us”for Xavier Bertrand. “It is not a candidate of synthesis who can win, it is a candidate of convictions. I want to find the Pécresse of the congress!” “You have to mark the barrier with the extremes”for Jean-François Copé… A delicate gap to maintain?

– The “convoys of freedom” turn in circles while the price of fuel is at its highest. Coming from all over France, anti-sanitary pass convoys, self-proclaimed “freedom convoys”, like the convoys in Canada which paralyze Ottawa and have been emulated in several other countries, converged on the weekend towards Paris . But, if the police had counted 3,000 vehicles on Friday evening for 5,000 demonstrators around Paris, all of them did not finally join the capital. Shortness of breath peaks, while the price of gasoline, another of their demands, is still galloping upwards.

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