Convoy of motorcyclists: the first demonstrators arrive in Ottawa

After the truckers, now the motorcyclists want to make their demands heard in the federal capital. The first protesters arrived in Ottawa on Friday evening.

• Read also: Ottawa prepares for the arrival of a convoy of bikers

The authorities of the capital say they are ready to welcome the group nicknamed “Rolling Thunder”. An increased police presence is expected throughout the weekend.

A vehicle exclusion zone has also been set up near Parliament Hill to prevent a recurrence of last winter’s situation, when truckers blocked the streets for weeks.

Several motorcyclists on the spot claimed to have come to the national capital to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the sanitary measures, a speech similar to the demonstrators of the last convoy.

The fear of the return of the vaccine passport, and the wearing of the mask still compulsory in Quebec worry the demonstrators.

Concerned traders

Several traders, who have not fully recovered from the impacts of the last convoy, fear these new visitors to the capital. Some had also decided to close on Friday in anticipation of the arrival of motorcyclists.

City residents also say they are worried about how the weekend will go, but believe that the police have learned from the events of last winter and will be able to contain the outbursts.

Another group of motorcyclists should arrive on Saturday. Between 500 and 1000 people are expected.

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