Convoy of motorcyclists | The demonstration cost the Ottawa police between 2.5 and 3 million

(OTTAWA) The chairman of the Ottawa Police Services Board says the “Rolling Thunder” demonstration held this weekend in the capital cost the police between $2.5 and $3 million.

Posted at 1:19 p.m.

Eli El-Chantiry believes a lasting solution must be found to control future convoy protests and Ottawa police expect the protests to continue.

The protesters arrived Friday afternoon as part of the ‘Rolling Thunder’ rally, organized by Freedom Fighters Canada, a group opposing restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr El-Chantiry says the police, including officers called in from outside the capital, were prepared for any eventuality and had intelligence on the bikers and their plans.

But less was known about the intentions of other protesters in pickup trucks, including large 18-wheeler trucks and motor homes not part of the core group.

The chair of the Police Services Board, who was briefed by the Ottawa police chief, said the protest — which was relatively peaceful — could have taken a different direction had officers not been so well prepared.

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