Convoy of motorcyclists | The church where protesters gathered was vandalized

(OTTAWA) Hundreds of people gathered at an Ottawa church on Sunday to take part in the latest scheduled activity of the “Rolling Thunder,” a series of protests aimed at opposing COVID-19 restrictions , in the nation’s capital.

Posted at 10:45 a.m.
Updated at 2:29 p.m.

The Ottawa Police Service has launched an investigation into an act of vandalism that allegedly occurred at the Capital City Bikers’ Church prior to the arrival of participants and parishioners. The exterior walls of the church were daubed with inscriptions such as “fascism” or “no paradise for fascism”.

Police have confirmed that their hate crimes unit is investigating “an incident of hate-motivated mischief at a religious institution” located on Carillon Street, the same street as this church.

However, the graffiti did not dampen the enthusiasm of the rather peaceful crowd, although some were outraged.

“It is extremely insulting, commented Kimberly McGrath. I don’t care a bit, but many people will find it traumatic and offensive. »

Four musicians performed Christian rock tunes as worshipers raised their arms. Families and children, sometimes accompanied by pets, entered the church. A small bar offering soft drinks, snacks and coffee had been set up at the rear of the building.

“We start talking about hell and then we are told that we are religious fanatics, preached Pastor Rob McKee. We all love the story that God is love. So, if I was the enemy, I would try to make these people believe that this is false, that this is misinformation. »

Participants socialized in the church parking lot after mass. Many expressed their intention to leave Ottawa, although some spoke of going to a demonstration in Montreal or returning to Parliament Hill.

Like in February

Participants in the series of protests arrived Friday afternoon in the nation’s capital. Large crowds headed downtown for various activities, including a ceremony at the War Memorial and a rally on Parliament Hill.

The organizers said they wanted to oppose compulsory vaccination, but as in February, several demonstrators had a lot on their hearts.

Randy Hill, from Penticton, British Columbia, arrived at mass driving a red van decorated with Canadian flags and a “faith not fear” sticker. He said he and his wife Carol-Anne oppose compulsory vaccinations and any other measures the government intends to put in place.

“We want God to overthrow this government and replace it with righteous people. People in government are accountable to God,” he said.

However, by mid-afternoon almost all of the demonstrators had withdrawn. There were only a dozen diehards left carrying Canadian and Quebec flags on Parliament Hill.

The Ottawa Police Service said it arrested three people on Saturday, although the protest remained peaceful. Seven other people had been arrested the day before.

A woman was arrested after assaulting police officers on Elgin Street, where the rally of motorcyclists moved. A man has been arrested for violating the conditions of his release following the February events.

Another man will face multiple charges, including dangerous driving, assault with a weapon and breaching conditions.

Police are also investigating “an incident of hate-motivated mischief at a religious institution” reported to them shortly before 7 a.m. It is unclear whether this incident is related to the gathering.

In another tweet on Sunday, the Ottawa Police Service also reported 761 parking tickets, 10 provincial offenses and 39 towed vehicles.

Interim Leader Steve Bell has warned protesters that they will not be allowed to begin a long-term occupation. However, citizens, including the president of the Downtown Community Association, Mary Huang, say they won’t believe him until they see these protesters leaving town on Sunday afternoon.

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