Convoy of motorcycles | No long-term occupancy will be tolerated warns Ottawa Police

(OTTAWA) Ottawa’s acting police chief is warning organizers and participants of a planned weekend motorcycle convoy that any kind of longer-term occupation of the federal capital will not be tolerated.

Posted at 4:23 p.m.

Lee Berthiaume and Sarah Ritchie
The Canadian Press

Steve Bell reiterated the warning on Thursday morning, as hundreds of motorcyclists prepare to descend on the capital from Friday. Chief Bell said the organizers of this “Rolling Thunder” convoy said they planned to leave the capital by Sunday.

He warns that Ottawa police are ready to intervene if they see any signs of encampment or other plans to settle in the capital. “We will be very reactive and very proactive in identifying and dismantling,” Chief Bell told reporters Thursday.

The impending arrival of this motorbike convoy has alarmed Ottawa residents since the “freedom convoy” occupied the city streets for three weeks this winter. The occupation was eventually dismantled by the police and dozens of protesters were arrested.

The organizers of the “Rolling Thunder” have not been clear about the reasons for their rally in Ottawa, except to say that they want to “peacefully celebrate our freedom”. The organization has, however, associated itself with several groups apparently linked to the “freedom convoy”.

Chief Bell, who promised a heavy police presence this weekend, said Thursday the service had learned a lot from the winter experience. He said the hate crimes unit had already been involved in the preparations for the operation and anyone displaying hate symbols would be charged.

He also assures that the police will arrest all protesters who were in the “freedom convoy” and who are subject to a court order prohibiting them from being in Ottawa, as a condition of their release on bail.

Convoy organizers said they plan to arrive in Ottawa on Friday, assemble Saturday morning and loop around downtown, stopping at the National War Memorial, as well as a march and a rally on Parliament Hill.

Convoy organizer Neil Sheard, who has been involved in protests against health restrictions, warned of ‘every man for himself’ if police don’t let protesters take to the streets on motorbikes around Parliament.

But Ottawa police have designated much of downtown as “designated downtown areas,” off-limits to vehicles, including several blocks around Parliament Hill and the National War Memorial.

Chief Bell said convoy participants will be allowed to walk to Parliament Hill and the Monument, but not access them by motorbike.

“We have established a vehicle exclusion zone in the city center. No motor vehicle involved in an event (rally, parade, demonstration) will be allowed inside this zone, ”hammered Chief Bell on Thursday.

It will also be forbidden for participants in the convoy on motorcycles to stop or park throughout the course. Police will also closely monitor sites where convoy participants plan to set up shop for the weekend, he said, including a church east of the city center and a more rural area to the east. ‘west.

Earlier this week, Councilwoman Catherine McKenney said many residents who were terrorized by the ‘freedom convoy’ had had enough and were ready to take matters into their own hands if the ‘Rolling Thunder’ convoy were to break into their neighborhood.

Chief Bell acknowledged “there has been a breakdown of trust between our community and the police service” because of what happened in February. But he urged residents to use the police and avoid any conflict with convoy participants.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson on Thursday encouraged residents to continue their weekend activities. “We encourage residents to keep shopping downtown, to keep shopping in the ByWard Market. »

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