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Inspired by the trucks blocking Ottawa in Canada, several processions of the “freedom convoy” left Bayonne (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) and Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) today to go to Paris. These convoys, which want the vaccination pass to be abolished, only include a few dozen vehicles.
A hundred people from Nice took to the road this Wednesday, February 9 to reach Paris this weekend, before leaving for Brussels (Belgium). Among them, anti-vaccines and yellow vests. All have only one word in their mouths: “Freedom”. Inspired by the movement of the Canadian “freedom convoy”, which has blocked the capital of Ottawa for more than 10 days, other convoys left from Perpignan (Eastern Pyrenees) and Bayonne (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) today.
The main demand of the participants is the abolition of the vaccination pass. The government says it is monitoring this movement closely, and promises firmness in the event of blockages. “I think it’s a movement of revolt for freedom, a movement of revolt against these absurd health measures”says a protester.