“Convoy for freedom”: truckers camp on their positions

OTTAWA | The truckers who have been in Ottawa for five days already are determined to hold out until the end of the week to allow new demonstrators to take over.

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“I’m used to doing long distance trips and staying in my truck for a while, so I have no problem staying here. I have supplies of gas and food for another week, at least,” said Eric Mueller, who arrived from Alberta on Friday evening, like many of the protesters.

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

After several days in his big 38-tonne, the 57-year-old still has more than half his tank full of diesel and isn’t worried about running out for several days.

“People are starting to bring it to us. Several people have given me their phone number, call me twice a day to check that I don’t need anything and allow me to go and shower at their hotel,” he said.

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay


For him, as for the majority of truckers encountered on the street
Wellington, the fight to be heard by the Canadian government will not stop until the measures are lifted.

But after the departure of several of their colleagues, the impatience to see new troops arrive next weekend is felt.

Serge, an Ontario trucker who arrived in Ottawa Friday morning, hoped that many truckers and protesters would come to support those who had stayed since the beginning.

“Several convoys should arrive in the coming days from all over the place,” he said.

Beata O’Connell and her husband Jonathan agreed.

“We know that a lot of people want to come and join us and we hope they will be able to come. One thing is certain: no one will prevent us from staying,” said Beata O’Connell, who left from the Niagara region of Ontario.

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay


The latter, present with her husband since Friday evening, planned to return home for a few days before returning to demonstrate.

In fact, the Ottawa/Gatineau Hotel Association has noted a slight increase in reservations for next weekend.

“Some people who left on Sunday have booked for next weekend. So they plan to come back. I don’t have a number, but I would say it’s a minority at the moment,” said the organization’s president, Steve Ball.

– With Anne-Caroline Desplanques, Parliamentary Office


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