Convinced that her husband is cheating on her, she decides to burn the suspected “mistress” alive.

In 2012, Dana Vulin, a 26-year-old Australian girl, was attacked by Natalie Dimitrovska. Convinced that her husband had an affair with the young woman, the latter entered the home of her “rival” in order to take revenge. And to teach the suspected “mistress” a good lesson, Natalie didn’t go with the back of the spoon. In one hand, White Spirit, in the other, a match. Dana Vulin suffered third degree burns over more than half of her body. Her injuries were so severe that even the doctors thought she would not survive. Fortunately, they were wrong. Dana managed to pull through and after 10 years of fighting, she is now very proud of her scars.

But if the pretty blonde overcame the worst, she still went through terrible ordeals. Over the past 10 years, the young woman has undergone more than 200 operations in addition to enduring a compression mask on her face, reports The Mirror. Either way, Dana Vulin has no intention of staying stuck in the past. She therefore takes advantage of March 1, 2022 to celebrate the anniversary of her accident and draw up a certain balance sheet. On social networks, she has long shared her evolution. And if some days have not been easy, she advises her subscribers to never give up.

Through her last post, the Australian wanted to show that “everything is possible”. If she accepts her scars, she is also able to laugh at her wounds. According to her, her body will not change too much with age. A true role model, Dana is now a speaker. For her part, Natalie is still behind bars. At the time of the events, the drug addict had been sentenced to 17 years in prison.

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