Conviction of Donald Trump | The Trudeau government remains silent

(Ottawa) The Canadian government remains silent after a New York court found former US President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts in his criminal trial for concealed payments.

Mr. Trump is expected to represent the Republicans in the next presidential election in November.

The Prime Minister’s Office is not yet commenting on the verdict, while Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says only that Canada will work with whoever leads the United States after this fall’s elections.

She says the Liberal government has already worked successfully with both Republican and Democratic administrations.

In the past, Liberals have frequently compared Canadian Conservatives to Mr. Trump’s Republicans and accused leader Pierre Poilievre of practicing “American-style” politics and tactics, calling him “the Trump of the North.”

Conservatives say the Liberals are using such accusations to try to distract from the economic woes facing Canadians.

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