controversy surrounding a massive slaughter of deer in the Chaux forest


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – E. Prigent, JC. Martin, drone images: A. Boucaud, animal images: Naturae, O. Trible, JS. Mauritius

France Televisions

Deer proliferate in the Chaux forest. Not really threatened in the region, they harm the forest by attacking young trees and oak shoots. The state and foresters have decided to cut down 556 this winter. A decision contested by some hunters.

The Chaux forest is struggling to regenerate today. Deer are in the sights of foresters, too numerous according to the National Forestry Office (ONF). These animals attack young trees, with a preference for oaks. “An adult deer will consume around 10 to 12 kg of shoots from young trees per day”, explains Florent Dubosclard, director of the ONF du Jura. In different areas, fences have been installed. In total, 700 hectares are fenced.

Slaughter of 556 deer and does

The ONF has requested an unprecedented hunting plan, which provides for the slaughter of 556 deer and does, or 50% more than last year. This, “to return to a situation of equilibrium”, says Florent Dubosclard. Hunters, worried about the future of the emblematic animal, denounce the hunting plan. “If there are no more deer in the Chaux forest, it will no longer be the same”deplores Thierry Poux. “Suddenly too fast”judge for his part Alexandre Crot, responsible for hunting in the Chaux forest.

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