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Massive expulsions of illegal immigrants and destruction of slums are scheduled in ten days in Mayotte. The operation raises many tensions in the department. The Comorians are directly targeted.
On the heights of Mayotte, hundreds of makeshift shelters. At the gates of Mamoudzou is the largest slum in France, where concern has grown since residents received an eviction notice a few days ago. “Apparently we’re going to destroy all our houses, even though we’ve been here for years”laments a woman. It is difficult not to make the connection with Operation Wuambushu, prepared in the greatest secrecy by the government: a massive campaign to destroy illegal housing and evict Comorians in an irregular situation.
300 Comorians daily sent back by boat to the island of Anjouan
CRS coaches are already prepositioned on the island. 500 gendarmes and police must be sent as reinforcements from the mainland. According to a document from the Interior Ministry, the operation is to take place from April 22 to June 17. During these two months, 300 Comorians will be sent back daily by boat to the island of Anjouan, compared to 70 today. Since the announcements, young Comorians who arrived in Mayotte illegally come to school with fear in their stomachs. “I don’t want to go back to Anjouan and struggle“, says one of them.