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13 days before the presidential election, the controversy swells. It concerns the consulting firm McKinsey&Company. The company is accused of not paying taxes in France, while it carries out missions for the government.
Installed on the Champs-Elysees, behind a discreet door, is the cabinet McKinseyaccused of tax evasion. Two months ago, before the Senate, one of the directors assured him: the company pays its taxes well in France. However, the Senate does not believe in this declaration and for him, the company would not have paid any tax in ten years in France. This would be possible thanks to a financial package that allows profits to be declared in Delaware, in the United States, then considered a tax haven.
The consulting company would therefore escape the tax authorities, while it is recruited by many ministers, and even by the Elysée in order to establish strategies on sensitive subjects such as pension reform. McKinsey notably intervened during the health crisis, for example on the vaccination campaign, with a contract worth 13 million euros. The senators, who investigated, strongly criticize the role of the consulting firm. “There are services whose added value is more than doubtful and that raises questions because it is public money and in large quantities”declares Arnaud Bazin, President (LR) of the commission of inquiry. Some of its members would have strong ties with Emmanuel Macron. The executive promises that all the rules have nevertheless been respected.