Controversial remarks | Nadeau-Dubois asks Legault to make “a little effort”

(Montreal) Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois asks the leader of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) François Legault to make “a little effort” and to stop “pointing fingers at people” and “hurting people”, like the first outgoing minister did so, he believes, by affirming that the problem of racism at the Joliette hospital towards the Atikamekw nation was resolved.

Posted at 5:31 p.m.

Hugo Pilon Larose

Hugo Pilon Larose
The Press

The parliamentary leader of Québec solidaire (QS) accused his CAQ opponent on Tuesday of lacking sensitivity towards indigenous issues. Mr. Legault apologized to Carol Dubé, spouse of Joyce Echaquan, this mother of seven children who died under a rain of racist insults at the Joliette hospital in 2020. The latter had expressed his anger in recent days concerning the remarks of the head of the CAQ to the Face to face of VAT.

“What he said at the leaders’ debate was that it was settled. And that’s not just disconnected, it’s a lack of compassion, ”he denounced.

“Episode number 43 by François Legault, which lacks sensitivity, perhaps for him the episode is over, but the challenge we have in Quebec to rebuild bridges with the first peoples is a challenge that is whole. The first step for [le] to rise up is to stop taking steps backwards by hurting people,” continued Mr. Nadeau-Dubois.

About the yellow vests

The QS parliamentary leader also ridiculed comments made by outgoing Environment Minister Benoit Charette, who worries that the left-wing party’s proposed surcharge on “highly polluting” vehicles could create a ” yellow vests”, in reference to the uprisings that shook France in 2018.

“Anything that is exaggerated is insignificant. The yellow vest crisis in France was a major social crisis. There were riots for months. […] We can be for, we can be against the proposal of Quebec solidaire, I do not think it will cause riots for months in Quebec, ”he said.

During a debate Monday on the green economy in Montreal, Mr. Charette affirmed that “the great danger is to create an aversion to mobilization. We must mobilize the population and not turn it against us in this unavoidable debate on the fight against climate change. »

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