Control of women’s work, we will not let this happen!

Françoise David reminded us, in an open letter published recently, that, when it comes to adequately remunerating the vast majority of women working in hospitals, CHSLDs, CLSCs, schools and other public services, the government finds it too expensive. It is not because we are dedicated that we will accept inferior working conditions.

Even more insidious, in the Dubé reform, under the guise of efficiency, rather hides from control. As in previous reforms, a management method inspired by private enterprise is imposed on us, which centralizes decisions and aims to micromanage our work, ignoring professional autonomy. By imposing an increasingly rigid, sometimes even timed, work framework, women no longer have space to innovate, to exercise their autonomy and to take time with users. They must be accountable and fill out paperwork instead of providing care and services humanely. What a waste of time, money and energy!

The Dubé reform proposes to dispossess us of the democratic spaces which allowed us, as employees, but also as users of public services, to put our knowledge and experiences to good use. As if “top guns” from the private sector (men again?), within an agency in offices in Quebec, were going to know better than us, on the ground, how to improve access to care and services. They want to order us from above. Our work loses its meaning.

To add insult to injury, the government is making salary offers below inflation. He has the nerve to say otherwise when he is proposing a “lump sum” and bonuses, which are not for everyone. The reality is that, since the salary cuts of 1983, only salary declines have followed. Through decrees and special laws, and through reforms always occurring in the middle of negotiations, the government prevents us from fighting on equal terms and tries to divide us.

This week, the President of the Treasury Board argued that the private sector was lagging behind in remuneration by 3.9% with the public sector. She naturally did not specify that, when we compare ourselves with the unionized private sector, it is the public sector which is behind by 9.3%. Commanding and controlling, is that all the ambition this government has for its employees?

I don’t know about you, but I, as a woman, am tired of being insulted and having things imposed on me that I don’t agree with.

Tired of experiencing reforms to my public services without being consulted as a worker, as a user and as a citizen. Let me be pushed towards the private sector, where I still have to pay. Tired of having less and less access to my services, despite the fact that I have been promised the opposite for three reforms.

Tired of someone imposing a way of working on me. Tired of my professional autonomy being violated. Tired of ignoring my rights, my health and my safety at work. Tired of being taken for granted, of being told that I’m an angel, but of being treated like nothing.

Tired of the paternalistic tone of governments, which arrive as saviors, but which ultimately impoverish me.

This has to stop! I call on all women in Quebec to express themselves, to make themselves heard. It’s over, control over my life, over our lives! Sorority.

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