“Contrary to what has been said …”: Nathalie (Love is in the meadow) cash after the crop by Karine Le Marchand

Nathalie is undoubtedly one of the emblematic figures of Love is in the meadow 2021 (M6). The calf breeder under the 50-year-old mother made an impression with her cash side. A character trait that was kindly criticized by Karine Le Marchand. Asked by Ocean Press, the charming blonde made a little update.

During the distribution of the portraits of the new farmers of Love is in the meadow, Nathalie had greatly moved viewers with her painful personal story. She had explained in particular that she had been “beaten forever” by an ex. The mother then received numerous letters or messages on social networks. “It’s the M6 ​​production that sorted twenty people in the package because all the guys I wanted to select didn’t want to be on TV“, she revealed.

In the end, she set her sights on Bruno (52 years old), an employee for the SNCF and Stéphane (51 years old), a Toulouse ambulance driver. But she had a hard time being in the seduction, so much she had forged a shell. An attitude that has not escaped Karine Le Marchand. “You have to take some kindness lessons too. You talk freaking out. We can’t say everything, we’re not 5-year-olds“, she warned during the assessment, giving specific examples. The farmer had therefore explained that indeed, she was afraid of men and that she did not trust them.”Maybe you need to do some repair work before you meet someone. You cannot make men pay for what you have suffered. I know you’re not mean, but you’re not ready“, had therefore advised the presenter of 53 years.

If at the time she did not say anything, Nathalie insisted on Ocean Press that Karine Le Marchand had poorly analyzed the situation. “Contrary to what has been said I no longer live in my past at all. The pain is overShe added that she “did not fit the mold of the 6”. “I am not forced to roll a galoche to a guy“, she concluded. Statements that should be noticed.

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