Contracts awarded to McKinsey | Opposition in Ottawa calls for inquiry

(Ottawa) The opposition parties in Ottawa want to force a parliamentary inquiry into the contracts awarded by the federal government to the firm McKinsey.

The leader of the conservative opposition, Pierre Poilievre, made the announcement Tuesday noon at a press conference.

Last week, we learned that the Trudeau government had spent more than $84 million between March 2021 and November 2022 on contracts awarded to the consulting firm.

According to documents provided in response to the Conservatives, it was the Department of National Defense that made the most use of the firm’s services.


Pierre Poilievre

Mr. Poilievre believes that the government must provide answers on the subject, and with the support of the other opposition parties, he will table a motion for the Standing Committee on Government Operations to investigate.

“The motion we are going to table will force the government to make public all the documents, all the results of the work, all the money involved, all the conversations, all the text messages, the emails,” he explained.

The Conservative leader is not closing the door to calling for a possible public inquiry commission.

“We will start with a parliamentary committee,” he said. Depending on what we learn, maybe it will be necessary to have other investigations to give us the truth. »

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