Contraception in a special situation


What is it about ?

Some contraceptives contain hormones: progestins, estrogen, or a combination of both. Estrogen, in particular, increases the risk of developing all kinds of symptoms, such as blood clots. They are present in the combined pill, vaginal ring and patch. Their use can therefore be problematic in certain systemic diseases. You have to weigh the pros and cons before using them.

Here are some basic principles:

Products containing estrogen are not recommended in the following situations:

The contraceptive ‘bite’ (which contains a progestin) is not recommended in the following situations:

  • Have several cardiovascular risk factors (such as smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and too much fat in the blood)
  • Angina pectoris or infarction
  • Breast cancer
  • Very serious liver disease (cirrhosis decompensated)
  • Liver cancer

Products containing hormones (estrogen and / or progestogen) are not recommended in the following situations:

  • Breast cancer
  • Very serious liver disease (decompensated cirrhosis)
  • Liver cancer

What decision to take?

The decision will be made by discussing with your doctor and weighing the pros and cons:

  • the advantage of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy,
  • the risks to your health.

When estrogen may be a problem, it is advisable to use contraception that does not contain hormones (copper-based IUD, sterilization (of yourself or your partner) or barrier methods) or which contains only progestins (IUD hormonal, implants, needle stick or ‘minipill’). Please note, the injection may also be inadvisable in your situation (see above).

When it is hormones, estrogens or progestins, which can be a problem, it is advisable to use contraception that does not contain hormone (copper-based IUD, sterilization (of yourself or your partner) or barrier methods).

The medications you take can also influence the choice. So, for example, certain drugs against epilepsy, against tuberculosis or against HIV infection decrease the effectiveness of most hormonal methods.

Finally, your ability to manage your contraceptive method is also discussed in order to choose the one that is best for you.

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