CONTEST Win boxes from the Biscuiterie de l’Abbaye

All summer long, France Bleu Normandie and the Abbey Biscuit Factory offer you boxes of cookies. These biscuits are the traditional Abbey shortbread. Created in 1941 by Georges Lautour, baker at Lonlay l’Abbaye in the Orne, these shortbreads have made the reputation of the biscuit factory. Even today, it is the same recipe as before and the same quality of raw materials.

To win your box, listen France Blue Normandy throughout the summer, from June 20 to August 28, Monday to Sunday. Two boxes are up for grabs each day. (2 boxes to be won per day during 2 separate games).

Second chance to win : take the quiz below. Each week, a draw will take place among the winning ballots.

Tip: the answers are on the website of the Abbey Biscuit Factory.

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