Consumption: the labels indicating the expiry dates will be modified


Article written by

A.Girault-Carlier, K.Toufik, C.Dewaegeneire, J.Weyl, A.Lo Cascio, G.Liaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

Expiry date labels will be reviewed to avoid waste and save money. Often, consumers find it difficult to navigate between dates limits of consumption and the dates of durability.

Meat, fish, sugar, each product has a deadline called DLC or MDD. But, on supermarket shelves, the terms are still unclear to consumers. These indications specify the recommended consumption date. Once the date has passed, do you have to throw your product in the trash? “I think it’s still important to look at the use-by dates”admits a customer.

On fresh products, an expiry date is specified: the DLC. As for dry or canned products, it is a date of minimum durability that is displayed. Soon two sentences will be added for the MDD (date of minimum durability) : “for optimal tasting” and “this product can be consumed after this date”. The aim is to reduce food waste. Selon Clémentine Lindon, of the association Too Goodit is important to trust your senses, such as sight, smell and touch, to recognize an expired product or not.

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