Consumption: repayment incidents up sharply


Article written by

V.Frédéric, A.Etienne, A.Husser, J.Durand – France 2

France Televisions

In one year, payment incidents have exploded in France. With inflation, which now stands at 6.1%and the unfavorable international context, repaying your loan becomes an impossible mission.

Refused payments, and unrepayable credits. In recent weeks, banking incidents have multiplied for French people with increasingly tight budgets. In Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin)an association advises and supports the households most in difficulty. Households that are sometimes at the gates of over-indebtedness, muffled by the soaring prices of recent months.

These situations are more and more numerous. In July, credit repayment incidents jumped, with an increase of 30% compared to last year. For the past two years, with the pandemic, there were fewer cases thanks to banks that were more flexible than usual. Now, banks are anticipating the risk of non-payment with hundreds of millions of euros set aside: a sign that the situation is deteriorating.

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