“Consumption picked up very quickly,” said Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of Edenred, which manages restaurant vouchers.

The operator of restaurant vouchers is also observing a surge in meal deliveries.

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Energy and fuel prices are skyrocketing, and purchasing power is a major topic this fall. But is consumption slowing down? No, according to Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of Edenred, which manages restaurant tickets in particular: “In France, we are growing by 14% “, he explains, “which means that the activities we are talking about are growing strongly.”

Meal vouchers are again widely used, after a decline at the start of the pandemic. “We are connected to 200,000 restaurateurs in France”, explains the guest eco manager of franceinfo on Thursday, October 20: “In June 2020, the peak of the money that had not been spent was about a billion (…) This surplus will be totally spent at the end of November. Consumption has picked up again very quickly.” And it evolves.

“There is an explosion in the delivery of meals (…) The amount of meals ordered via a digital platform has been multiplied by six over the first nine months of the year.”

Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of Edenred

to franceinfo

The CEO of Edenred asks the State to broaden the base for the exemption from restaurant vouchers: “Today, the ceiling for restaurant tickets is 11 euros per day. Like all European countries, let’s raise this ceiling to 15 euros. As soon as the French are allowed to spend more in catering, they spend, and the average basket increases. ”

Restaurant owners challenge Edenred and its competitors, asking them to lower the commission they charge – a 3% commission at Edenred: “These commissions are not lower because we are a business provider”, justifies Bertrand Dumazy, for whom “all work merits salary. “

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