Consumption: organic is entering the detergents market


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The laundry market is one of the most competitive sectors. There are nearly 500 detergent references around the world. And now, organic is also entering this market and it is starting to gain momentum. However, can we be sure of their effectiveness? Dorothy Lachaud, journalist for France Télévisions, answers this question.

Laundry is a very important element in the daily life of the French. Nearly 20 million machines are made each year in France. It is important to choose it well sometimes because of the allergenic elements that may be present in the composition of some. In powder, liquid or capsule, but above all now organic. Organic laundry is attracting more and more French people, but its effectiveness has yet to be demonstrated. Dorothy Lachaud present on the set of 13 Hours, November 9, explains the composition of these detergents. “There are more and more of them, we see it on the packaging, from trees to plants. But unfortunately it is only about marketing “, she explains.

“Unlike cosmetics, detergents are not required to display all the ingredients of their product. As a result, three out of five green detergents still contain substances that are very harmful to the environment and to health. So read the labels carefully “, advocates Dorothée Lachaud. The journalist goes on to warn against a product, which contains some detergents, which can be very dangerous. “If you see the term Benzisothiazolinone branded, you better avoid that product. They are preservatives which can be irritating sensitizers and very polluting for the environment “, she specifies. She concludes by explaining that the labels present are not a guarantee of effectiveness. because “everyone at their level of requirement.


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