Consumption: counterfeit food is exploding


Video length: 2 min

Consumption: counterfeit food is exploding
Cheeses, sodas, cakes… Counterfeit brands also exist in food. But these uncontrolled products can be dangerous for your health.
(France 2)

Cheeses, sodas, cakes… Counterfeit brands also exist in food. But these uncontrolled products can be dangerous for your health.

Almost identical bottles of ketchup, water whose logos resemble those of French brands… Counterfeits also affect food products. They are mainly found on the Internet, at very low prices. These fake products are sometimes very similar. In 2023, more than 1.1 million items were seized by customs, that’s three times more in one year.

“Most of the time, these are rather sweet products: chocolate bars, biscuits, sodas,” explains Yann Ambach, head of the tariff and commercial policy office of the General Directorate of Customs. According to the anti-counterfeiting association, these products are not controlled. Their composition is unknown, they do not meet standards and may not respect the cold chain. These counterfeits are sold on the Internet, in certain markets or even in certain clearance stores.

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