Consumption: a further rise in the price of baguettes expected



Article written by

M. Justet, L. Seux, D. Sirri, L. Sabas – France 2

France Televisions

The price of the baguette should rise again by the start of the school year. For the moment, bakers have not fully passed on the increase in their costs, and must cut back on their margins.

Five additional cents, i.e. 1.05 euros per baguette of bread. In a bakery visited by France 2, it has been two months since this price increase. Customers are resigned, but understanding. “It’s normal, everyone has to get out of it”says a woman. To understand this increase, we must, for example, look at flour. “It’s taken 20% since the beginning of the year. There, we are still waiting for an increase for the start of the school year”deplores the baker, Jean-Yves Abacus.

In addition to raw materials, the price of energy is also on the rise: electricity has increased by 50% since the beginning of the year. “On a baguette, it’s not huge, but in terms of quantity, for us, over the year, it represents enormous costs. We are going to cut back on our margins”explains Jean-Yves Abacus. According to professionals in the sector, on the price of a baguette, 53% are used to pay salaries, 18% raw materials, and 11% energy and rent. Then come the other charges. In the end there is only 7% profits; too little to invest, according to the Confederation of Bakers, which is asking for a boost from the State.

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