consultations for victims now insured at Avranches hospital

A annex of the forensic unit of Saint-Lô has been in place at the Avranches hospital center since November 4, in order to strengthen the network of the territory in this area. It is the doctors of Saint-Lô who provide consultations there. Monday and Thursday.

The Saint-Loise unit was precursor in the matter since it opened some ten years ago consultations for the victims of physical, psychological or sexual violence. They can be examined at the request of the courts as part of an investigation, but they can also come by themselves, although they have not yet dared to file a complaint.

It makes it possible to note the injuries, to take stock with the patient on his situation, to dispense any legal advice and to archive the observations that can be made at the time of the consultation. We also have an Envol protocol that we carried out with the Court of Justice of Coutances, a national exclusivity, which makes it possible to initiate a judicial process during this consultation, explains Dr Jean-Emmanuel Remoué from the forensic unit of Saint-Lo

The number of consultations at the Saint-Loise unit is constantly increasing: it recorded nearly 1,700 in 2020 and already more than 1,900 this year.

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