consult the results of the consultation on the media and information of franceinfo and “Ouest-France”

What are your expectations and uses regarding information, journalism and the functioning of the media? More than 10,000 of you responded to our online consultation.


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Varied, educational, useful, or on the contrary repetitive, distressing or even tiring: opinions are divided on the information, according to the results of “L’info et vous”, the online consultation on the media and information organized by franceinfo And West Francerevealed Wednesday 15 may. More than 10 000 people responded to this consultation on their expectations and uses, via an online form. The information presented in the media that respondents consult is thus perceived as “varied” for 18%, “explanatory and educational” for 11%, “useful” for 10%, “enriching” for 9% and “concerning” for 5 %. On the other hand, it is also perceived as “repetitive” (17%), “agonizing” (12%), “too institutional” (7%) and “tiring” (6%).

The sources considered the most reliable by the 10 000 people who responded to the consultation are varied: the daily newspaper comes first (27%), followed by the radio news and the television news (19% each). Followed by the national daily newspaper (15%), the online information site (12%), talk shows (4%) such as C à Vous, Quotidien or TPMP, and finally social networks, on par with relatives (2% each).

It is on international news (19%) and politics (18%) that respondents say they get information, ahead of social issues (15%), or the economy (14%). Followed by the environment (10%), news items (9%) and sport (8%). Sciences (4%) and innovation and new technologies (4%) bring up the rear.

The survey also focused on media perception. According to 42% of respondents, they should belong to non-profit organizations (associations, foundations) or, for 39%, to groups operating only in the media sector. Conversely, 10% believe that they should belong to private industrial groups and 9% to the State. The qualities cited to make a good journalist are honesty (26%), independence (24%) and neutrality (23%), far ahead of proximity to the public (6%) and empathy (4% ).

This question of commitment is found in the perception of the role of journalists: they should not get involved in political subjects (56%). On the other hand, engagement on climate (62%) and societal (64%) issues is seen as desirable.

Finally, as part of the fight against disinformation, media education seems obvious. : 60% of those consulted consider it a priority and 35% think it is useful. And it’s not a question of age : if 15% think that media education should be aimed primarily at young audiences (schoolchildren, high school students, students), 85% believe that all audiences are concerned (young people, employees, retirees, businesses, associations, etc.) ).

To extend this consultation, franceinfo and West Francein partnership with France Bleu Armorique, are offering an evening event in Rennes on Thursday May 16, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. hours. A free and open exchange with the general public on information, journalism and its operations.

Methodology : investigation conducted on 2 April to 21 April based on an online questionnaire designed and distributed by franceinfo and West France. 10 987 respondents.

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