National Education publishes college evaluation indicators on Wednesday.
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Franceinfo publishes, Wednesday March 29, the 2023 results of the colleges. The table below shows the indicators established by National Education for public and private establishments. You can find the results in your municipality using the search bar.
Patent results, insufficient indicators
Three scoring criteria are based on college patent results:
- The success ratewhich measures the proportion of students who obtained their certificate among those who applied.
- The average mark in the written tests of the patentwhich summarizes the results for all the subjects of the exam (French, mathematics, science and history-geography).
- The proportion of students who presented for the patentto gauge the ability of establishments to take their students to the written tests of the final college examination.
However, these three indicators alone are not enough to assess the performance of an institution. For example, they do not take into account the differences in student profiles (social origin, gender, level of the adolescent at the start of college, etc.).
Other indicators therefore supplement the success rates for the patent and the average marks in the written tests for the patent. Firstly there is the probability of access from the 6th to the 3rd class, that is to say the percentage of chances of going up to the 3rd in the same college for a pupil of 6th. This index makes it possible to value the colleges which keep their students whatever their results, and to identify more easily those which operate a selection over the course of schooling to obtain a good rate of success in the examination.
Added values to better compare
For fairer comparisons, National Education also publishes “added values” calculated according to the results expected according to the profiles of the students of each establishment. A college that obtains a negative score in “added value” therefore performs less well than what the profile of its students would have us hope for.