Construction Holidays | The SQ reports 12 deaths on the roads

(Quebec) Twelve people lost their lives on the roads of Quebec during the construction holidays, according to the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), which also reports a death on the recreational tourism network.

Posted at 8:23 a.m.

In its annual review of the construction holidays, which took place this year from July 22 to August 7, the SQ explains that these deaths occurred during 11 collisions.

The provincial police force points out that speed, distraction and impaired driving remain the three main causes of collisions.

For the same period last year, the SQ counted nine collisions on the road network and three on the recreational tourism network. Twelve people were killed, nine of them in traffic collisions.

As the holidays continue during the month of August, the SQ calls on motorists to remain cautious when traveling.

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