Construction companies are turning to digital technologies

(Toronto) Nine out of ten construction companies say they are facing a shortage of labor or trades, and may need to consider some alternatives, such as prefabrication, modularization or new innovative technologies.

A survey conducted by KPMG in Canada among 275 companies reveals that the industry sees digital technology as a solution to these shortages, which they believe affect their ability to bid on projects and meet deadlines in an unprecedented demand environment.

Tom Rothfischer, partner at KPMG in Canada, argues that digital tools can help save time and money, reduce waste and improve worker safety.

In particular, he discusses some technologies used in the manufacturing sector such as 3D printing, which has been adapted to the construction industry to lay concrete and build complex steel shapes, and drone surveying, which can help contractors to accurately lay out work and monitor progress.

But survey respondents say the Canadian construction industry has been slow to embrace new digital technologies and the pandemic has heightened the sector’s need to adapt.

About 46% of companies say they plan to spend more than 11% of their operating budget on technology and digital transformation.

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