Constance Labbé: She almost was in a relationship with her brother Guillaume in a series!

The adventures of Balthazar, Here we go again ! For this season 4 broadcast from March 10 on TF1, director Franck Brett is always surrounded by Tomer Sisley, the hero of the program, but has also called on Constance Labbé to give him the reply since the departure of Hélène de Fougerolles. At 33, the young woman already has quite a CV. If she has made several appearances in the cinema, she is above all one of the stars of French television, like her brother, Guillaume Labbé. The latter, seen in particular in Plan Coeur, I promise you or The school of life, however, never met her on the set. Sharing one could have happened to them: “Except we had to play a couple. The casting directors had not made the link, specifies Constance Labbé at Parisian this Thursday, March 10. We said to ourselves that we were going to decide with a chifoumi“. The game will have decided for them but not certain that the brother and sister would have agreed to mimic lovers if fate had decided it for them.

While waiting to play anything but her brother’s companion in a future fiction, Constance Labbé will be Camille Costes in Balthazar, Tomer Sisley’s new partner who will give the police hero a bit of a hard time. This new role has put “a little pressure“to Constance Labbé since she took the place of the character played by Hélène de Fougerolles:”The character is so different that it is incomparable, continues the actress. And then, everything was done quickly so I just worked thinking to myself ‘We’ll see'”.

A major support in the artistic life of his sister, Guillaume Leeb is not the only one to pull Constance up. Since 2020, the actress has been in a relationship with Tom Leeb, son of Michel Leeb. Musician, humorist and actor, the artist has only rarely mentioned the one who shares his life during interviews: “I don’t know if there is someone in my life. I’ll text her to find out if we’re together ’cause it’s not clear” he declared at the time without revealing the name of the lucky potential elected official. Tom Leeb in any case did not need to clarify the situation with his public, his sister Elsa did it for him. On Instagram the following summer, she revealed in story a photo of her brother on the beach, hand in hand with Constance Labbé.Since then, the couple has not left each other.

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