considered “too vulgar”, a candidate sees red and suddenly leaves the show!

It does not go through ! Accepting criticism is never easy. And even more so when we are on television in front of thousands of viewers. It is undoubtedly for this reason that Tina saw red when she discovered the scheme set up by her friend Émilie. This one announcing to him that they went in the emission Incredible Transformations for its own makeover this Friday, January 14. Except that this visit was actually about Tina and she didn’t like it at all. “I had to say that we were coming for me. But it’s her that we’re going to transform. I hope she won’t be too shocked when she learns”, said Émilie at the start of the program having chosen to trap her friend to change her style of dress judged “too vulgar”.

Upon discovering the pot of roses, Tina was shocked and stunned. “I don’t know what to say. In any case, I’m totally against doing it. I’ll tell you, I have no problem with my look, sorry it’s not for me. It is not going well at all”, she regretted mad with rage and then choosing to leave the set. Faced with this situation, make-up pro Barbara Ngana then decided to join her outside to try to reason with her and better pass the pill. Which didn’t really bear fruit during the first minutes of the exchange. “I don’t need a makeover, it upsets me. I’m coming for her basically, I’m fine the way I am”, hammered Tina, determined not to let herself be restyled before Barbara Ngana explained to her:“She’s your friend, she worries about you. I understood that you were a sexy girl but there are other ways to highlight your sex appeal or your femininity. There, you attract evil looks”.

Words which, in the end, were able to convince Tina. The latter resigning itself to passing “into the hands” of the experts to change its look. Emilie’s friend was right to put her prejudices aside because the result was totally successful and happiness at the rendezvous.

See also:


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