considered “ridiculous”, Lââm gives a huge rant

A year later, she has not forgotten him and will never forget him. Indeed, losing a loved one is one of the most difficult trials in life, but it is probably not Lââm who will say the opposite. The 51-year-old artist has been inconsolable since October 25, 2021, the day of the disappearance of the man with whom she had had happy days since 1996, the musician Robert Suber. He lost his life after a long battle with cancer. And a year after her disappearance, the singer has forgotten nothing.

She paid tribute to him a few days ago, on the occasion of the “anniversary day” of his disappearance, in his own way… “I am broken. October 25, 2021 is the day I became a widow. Courage to cancer patients, families and caregivers, it really is Laamerde”, she wrote on the networks. However, his way of paying homage did not really please Internet users. The latter did not bother to let him know. Far from being walked on, Lââm did not let himself be dismantled and tried to defend himself against criticism.

Failed tribute

“Communication is very important. I expressed my grief on Instagram not so that people talk about me (I don’t give a fuck about it) but so as not to jump out of a window, throw myself under a train or under a carwarned and threatened anyone with suicidal thoughts, before adding: “I find it hard to live without my husband and it’s not my thing to talk to a shrink (here it’s free, lol). And I hate drugs, alcohol and meds. Not my thing at all (the food yes, lol). My thing is to express myself, to speak (my husband said that I talked a lot while laughing)”.

This Wednesday, November 2, it is a photo of the tomb of her ex-husband, decorated for Halloween, which this time aroused the anger of a surfer. A photo that Lââm accompanied by a message written once again… in his own way: “We are an artist or not, right? My husband’s grave must be fun like him. May he rest in peace, he is no longer in pain. A hard test for all. The loss of a loved one . Life is so sad… Courage to all”. “You are really ridiculous, it’s terrible. We don’t post a grave like that. How old are you? It must remain for you only”, wrote to him then a user. A message to which the 51-year-old artist responded cash. Indeed, she did not let herself be dismantled and answered him then: “Are you from the police? My husband was an artist and that’s how he wanted me to do it. […] This is not the time to break my makrouds. On Instagram you can share asses. But not graves”.

See also: Excluded Video: Lâam, Elisa Tovati, Frédéric Lerner… Everyone at the inauguration of the party at Neu-Neu!


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