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The pension reform will be presented to senators. Thierry Curtet, live from the Senate, Tuesday, February 28, specifies the course of the discussions of the bill.
The text of the pension reform will be studied by the Senate. It has fewer amendments, while Les Républicains want to score this bill. “It is the right that holds the keys to the debate (…) the elected LR and centrists are a little more than 200 for 348 senators”, details Thierry Curtet, live from the Senate, Tuesday, February 28.
Conditions formulated by the Republicans
However, the right was divided during the debates in the National Assembly. “The boss of the senators Les Républicains said it, he does not want to outbid and he wants the text to be voted on“, specifies the journalist. The Republicans have formulated proposals, which resemble conditions: a specific contract for the unemployed over 55 or a premium for women from 63 who have had children and a full career. The government said it was attentive to these proposals.The examination of the amendments began on Tuesday, February 28, before the public debate which will begin on Thursday evening.