Conservative Party | The expelled senator responds to O’Toole

Senator Denise Batters considers her expulsion from the Conservative caucus “ironic” as she simply asked the leader “to adhere to the principles and policies” that had been endorsed by members of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Mylène Crête

Mylène Crête

“I am and always will be a conservative,” the senator wrote in a statement sent to media on Wednesday.

Mme Batters was kicked out on Tuesday after questioning Erin O’Toole’s leadership in a video posted to Twitter. She accused him of having betrayed conservative principles by leading a progressive election campaign like the Liberals of Justin Trudeau, when he presented himself instead as a “real blue” during the leadership race.

The senator close to the former party leader Andrew Scheer defends his gesture. “I launched a petition as any member of the Conservative Party can do under the constitution of our party,” she defended. She later argued that members have the right to vote on the leadership of their party faster than expected after an election defeat.

“Apparently, Mr. O’Toole cannot tolerate criticism,” she adds. She claims to have approached him directly with her complaints, but that he neither responded nor acted to correct the situation.

She also maintains, without naming him, that another Conservative senator even called for the leader’s resignation a few weeks ago without being expelled. “Why two weights, two measures? She asks.

She then challenges the Conservative leader. “If Mr. O’Toole is sure that our party members support the new direction he is taking, he should not be afraid to face them in a hasty vote of confidence,” she said. The fact that he is fighting this with threats and intimidation in caucus speaks volumes. ”

Appointed to the Senate by former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Denis Batters supported Peter MacKay in the last Conservative leadership race in 2020.

His petition would be the first salvo in an orchestrated campaign aimed at pushing the conservative leader towards the exit, according to what the English-speaking network Global News had reported the day before on the strength of anonymous conservative sources.

Press was unable to confirm this information that a gout ordeal awaits Erin O’Toole. The caucus meets on Wednesday for its weekly session.

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