Conservative Party Leadership | Erin O’Toole targeted by mutiny

(Ottawa) The leader of the Conservative Party, Erin O’Toole, is grappling with an open revolt from members of his deputies, nearly a third of whom are calling for a vote of confidence.

Posted at 8:51 p.m.
Updated at 9:06 p.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

the Globe and Mail reports Monday evening that 35 of the 119 elected Conservatives have signed a letter demanding a vote, which could come as soon as the next caucus meeting next Wednesday. The missive was sent to caucus chairman Scott Reid, according to the daily.

This revolt comes in the wake of the publication of a report on the electoral defeat of last September, unveiled last week. On Twitter, MP Bob Benzen, who had offered his support to Erin O’Toole during the leadership races in 2017 and 2020, referred to this report written by James Cumming.

“Given Mr. O’Toole’s record as leader, it is my view that a vote on his leadership is the only way to avoid a dangerous rift that would be irreparable within the Conservative Party,” reads -on in his statement published on the social network.

According to a law sponsored by Conservative MP Michael Chong, if 20% or more of a party’s MPs request a leadership review from the caucus chair, the caucus chair must order a secret caucus vote.

A majority of MPs – at least 63 out of 119 – would be ready to show the door to Erin O’Toole, according to information from the Globe and Mail.

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