Conjugating Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” in the present tense

The director makes his debut at the TNM with “La nuit des rois”.

Twelfth night

Text: William Shakespeare. Translation and adaptation: Rébecca Déraspe and Frédéric Bélanger. Director: Frédéric Bélanger. With Adrien Bletton, Guido Del Fabbro, Thomas Derasp-Verge, Alex Desmarais, Kathleen Fortin, Yves Jacques, Marie-Pier Labrecque, Benoît McGinnis, Jean-Philippe Perras, Étienne Pilon, François-Simon Poirier, Clara Prévost. At the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde, from September 20 to October 15, then on tour from November 3 to 26.

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