“Congo Hold-up” or the revelations on the “instructions for use of a kleptocracy” built around former president Joseph Kabila

It is an unprecedented investigation into corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). “At least $ 138 million” were misappropriated through the private bank BGFIBank for the benefit of relatives of former President Joseph Kabila, reveals Congo Hold-Up. The survey shows“how the entire Congolese system – the entire government and financial system – has been monopolized and controlled by several interest groups private at the center of which former President Kabila and his entourage “, explains to franceinfo Africa Gabriel Bourdon-Fattal from the Platform for the Protection of Whistleblowers in Africa (PPLAAF) which, together with the French investigation site Mediapart, obtained the documents behind Congo Hold-up. In other words, summarizes Gabriel Bourdon-Fattal, “hes have controlled the Congolese state to enrich themselves ” on “the last decade” of Joseph Kabila’s mandate in power from 2001 to 2019.

Congo Hold-up outlines how private interests have seized the resources of the DRC “: natural resources, tax revenues, resources of the Electoral Commission, the Central Bank and public mining companies. “According to forthcoming publications, the banking, food and construction sectors, as well as the country’s permanent mission to the United Nations, have not been spared”, indicated the press release of the PPLAAF published on November 19, 2021. According to the revelations of the investigation site Mediapart, “at least 138 million dollars of public money from the DRC passed through BGFIBank to companies belonging to the inner circle” of former President Kabila. Likewise, “an additional 105 million dollars from unknown sources was also credited to accounts linked to the same circle.”

From “millions of bank statements, emails, contracts, invoices and business records” as well as “the details of millions of bank transactions” could be analyzed as part of the survey consortium Congo Hold-up formed by the European Investigative Collaborations (EIC), five non-governmental organizations and 19 media. In total, “More than 3.5 million BGFIBank documents reveal how the bank opened the door to the international banking system to suspicious networks and was used by those who sought to corrupt the authorities” of the DRC, PPLAAF said. The documents were scrutinized by around 100 contributors from 18 countries working with the media and NGOs. Congo Hold-up is to date “the biggest leak of sensitive documents in Africa”. “This mine of documents (…) sets out in great detail the techniques used by a bank and its customers to try to cover up systemic corruption”, said Henri Thulliez, director of PPLAAF. These documents, he continued, “constitute the true manual of a kleptocracy”.

BGFIBank RDC is the subsidiary of Banque Gabono-Française Internationale (BGFIBank), a Gabonese banking institution. “This bank in the DRC and elsewhere, for years, has been the subject of numerous investigations”, indicated Gabriel BourdonFattal. “At the material time, we are talking about a bank which is 40% owned by Joseph Kabila’s sister and which is run directly by her adoptive brother. “”The banking group BGFI, which is known for its murky history of corruption cases involving autocrats and European companies, has facilitated fraudulent schemes for businessmen, politicians, suspected Hezbollah financiers and others”, also notes the press release from the PPLAAF.

“With these new revelations, it is high time that the Congolese and international authorities launch real investigations into these practices which have harmed the Congolese population”, pleads Jean-Claude Mputu, campaign spokesperson Congo is not for sale, in the PPLAAF press release.

“We are waiting for the anti-money laundering authorities in the DRC, but also elsewhere because there are many other countries concerned, to do what is necessary to hold accountable those accused of embezzlement and to recover the goods that have been stolen from the Congolese people. “, insists Gabriel Bourdon-Fattal. Congo Hold-up is a unique opportunity “ because it constitutes “a piece of historical and chronological evidence which is unprecedented”, he concludes.

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