congested pediatric emergencies, a consequence of confinements?



Article written by

F. Griffond, L. Bensimon, M. Murviedro – France 2

France Televisions

Pediatric services are under pressure, with a rebound in the bronchiolitis epidemic. More than 4,000 children under the age of two were taken care of in just one week. The repeated confinements would have made them more vulnerable.

Many babies have come through the emergency room lately. In the pediatric emergencies of Reims (Marl), the bronchiolitis epidemic mobilizes a good part of the teams. All regions of France are affected. Last week, 4,100 children under two went through the emergency room for this reason. Among them, 35% had to be hospitalized.

At the same time, cases of influenza and gastroenteritis are increasing, with a good month in advance. “The containment due to Covid means that children have been protected for more than a year and a half, and that now they more easily catch a number of viruses”, explains Dr. Beatrice Digeon, head of the pediatric emergency department at the Reims University Hospital (Marl). The younger the babies, the greater the risks.


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