Conflict with Poland, energy prices, COP26 … The European Council meets Thursday and Friday around a busy agenda

Muscular debate, under high tension … There is no lack of qualifiers to designate the European Council which begins Thursday, October 21. For two days, the heads of state and government meet to discuss subjects such as the tensions between Brussels and Warsaw, but also the rise in energy prices, the Covid-19 epidemic or the preparation of the COP26 and tensions with Belarus around migrants.

Tensions between Europe and Poland at the heart of the debates

The conflict is open between the European Union and Warsaw, accused of rejecting the supremacy of European law. The Polish Constitutional Court (considered close to the conservative nationalist party in power) has declared certain articles of the European treaties incompatible with the national constitution.

This diplomatic crisis has imposed itself on the agenda of the summit of the leaders of the Twenty-Seven. A decision denounced in Brussels as an unprecedented attack on the primacy of European law and the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU, founding principles.

Initially, tensions with Warsaw were not on the agenda, reports Echo. But he went back, because several European states, including the Netherlands, asked that the subject be broached during the meeting, even if it will not give rise to conclusions unlike the other points officially at the end of the meeting. ‘agenda.

Energy prices also discussed

Leaders must also address skyrocketing energy prices, which weigh on household incomes and threaten economic recovery. Leaders will discuss the “toolbox” presented on October 13 by the Commission, which suggests a series of temporary and targeted measures (such as lower taxes, vouchers, deferral of invoices), and outlines avenues for reform. These discussions will continue at a Council of Energy Ministers on October 26.

Paris pleads for a revision of the rules of the common electricity market, suspended from world prices of fossil fuels, and a “decoupling” between the prices of electricity and those of gas. Madrid is calling for “group purchases” of gas stocks, on the model of the European supply of anti-Covid-19 vaccines.

The vaccination

In his letter of invitation to the members of the European Council, the President mentions that “the current situation regarding Covid-19” will also be on the agenda. “The pandemic is not over yet and the figures are on the rise in several Member States”, he recalls.

Although he welcomes the progress made in terms of vaccination, Charles Michel insists that “much remains to be done, particularly with regard to vaccine reluctance and misinformation “. The issue of rapid delivery of vaccines to countries most in need will also be addressed.

Preparing for COP26

Also on the agenda Thursday, the preparation of upcoming summits, such as COP26 and COP 15 on biodiversity. “Looking ahead to the COP26 summit, we need an ambitious global response to climate change”, says the President of the European Council.

The migration issue

Finally, on Friday, the heads of state and government will address the issue of migration. It is the situation on the border with Belarus that should be at the heart of the discussions. The goal will be “to monitor the implementation of the conclusions of the June European Council on the external dimension of migration, in particular as regards funding”, writes the former Belgian Prime Minister.

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