The presence of the Russian flag on the Cirque du Soleil tent is disturbing, about six months after the start of the invasion of Ukraine. This gesture should not be interpreted as a “political or moral position”, according to the company. A “naive” response, says the Council of Ukrainians in Canada.
Posted at 5:00 a.m.
Among all the flags floating above the big tent erected until Monday in the Old Port of Montreal to present the show KOOZA since the spring, that of Vladimir Putin’s country has raised eyebrows.
Asked about it, Cirque du Soleil’s global head of public relations, Caroline Couillard, said it was “an inclusive symbol that illustrates the fact that circus art brings people together from all over the world. “.

The Russian flag flies alongside several others on the Cirque du Soleil tent in the Old Port of Montreal.
“Just as our presence in a market should not be interpreted as a political or moral position, the flags hoisted on the front of our tents represent all the countries of origin of the artists and members of the troupe working on the show presented. , and not a political symbol or any statement, ”she argues in a response sent to The Press.
The artists of Russian origin that we employ are not civil servants of their government.
Caroline Couillard, Global Director of Public Relations for Cirque du Soleil
“Therefore, as part of our mission to invoke the imagination, provoke the senses and evoke the emotions of people around the world, including all artists – which is the very heart of our existence – artists of Russian origin are part of our big family and will always be treated with respect and on an equal footing with everyone else,” says Couillard.
Cirque du Soleil is heading to Gatineau, where it will present KOOZA from August 26. The Russian flag will fly on the marquee in the Outaouais city, confirmed Mme Couillard.
art and politics
However, according to the president of the Quebec branch of the Council of Ukrainians in Canada, Michael Shwec, this is a “naive” response, in the context where, at the federal level, the House of Commons adopted a motion qualifying the ‘genocide’ Russian invasion of Ukraine.
In six months of conflict, the latter says he has heard green and not ripe from organizations justifying the non-removal of Russian flags.

Michael Shwec, president of the Quebec branch of the Council of Ukrainians in Canada
“Often, organizations that aim to promote culture and the arts, they don’t know how they can influence policy. And Cirque du Soleil is really naive in thinking that arts and politics are separate things,” he explains.
The arts develop culture, culture shapes society and it is society that elects its leaders. Civil servants, elected politicians, leaders then set policy.
Michael Shwec, president of the Quebec branch of the Council of Ukrainians in Canada
Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, the position of the Council of Ukrainians in Canada has been clear on the subject of the symbols of Russia: it calls for a complete embargo.
This is why Michael Shwec asks Cirque du Soleil to remove the Russian flag from its tent.
Another case still pending
His organization has challenged several others over the past few months about the presence of Russian flags on their facilities, including the Olympic Park Development and Enhancement Company (SDPO).
After receiving questions from the Council of Ukrainians in Canada, the SDPO confirmed that it had removed all the flags that could be seen from the intersection of Sherbrooke and Pie-IX streets last spring.
The Olympic Stadium
The Olympic Stadium in December 2021, when the flags were still hoisted there.
The Olympic Stadium after the removal of the flags
But the SDPO says it was more about replacing the flags due to their natural wear and tear, which is done about every two years. The opportunity then arose to undertake a reflection, to know if the Russian flag would be put back, if it was replaced by that of the USSR – in fact the country present at the Montreal Olympic Games in 1976 – or s was simply removed.
“We said we were thinking about it. We understood, but we have a historic mandate, ”said SDPO spokesperson Cédric Essiminy.
We navigate between promoting the Olympic heritage and taking into account current situations and positions.
Cédric Essiminy, SDPO spokesperson
“But the mandate of the Olympic Park is to preserve the legacy of the Games. The world was as it was, and that, we can not change it, ”supports the spokesperson.
The possible installation of new masts, as part of a project to renovate the esplanade, will be an opportunity for the SDPO to settle for good the thorny question of Russian flags.
With the collaboration of Lila Dussault, The Press