Conflict between Israel and Hamas | Security around Jewish places and demonstrations in support of the Palestinians

(Paris) Authorities on Saturday and Sunday stepped up security measures around Jewish sites in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, due to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, while demonstrations in support of the Palestinians took place in several Middle Eastern countries.

Reinforced security for Jewish places in Europe


Security was reinforced on Saturday around places of worship and Jewish educational establishments in France, particularly in Paris and its suburbs, announced Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, specifying that there was currently “no threat” .

The security of Israeli sites of interest and places of worship had already been reinforced in mid-September with the start of the Jewish year marked by the celebrations of several holidays in September and October.


Germany has strengthened security around buildings of the Jewish community and the Israeli representation after Hamas attacks against Israel, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced to the daily Bild on Saturday.


Police officers stand in front of the New Synagogue and the Centrum Judaicum in Berlin.

The German authorities also monitor “potential supporters of Hamas in the Islamist sphere very closely,” the minister stressed.

Berlin police cited photos on

United Kingdom

London police on Sunday increased their patrols in certain areas of the British capital after “incidents” linked to the war between Israel and Hamas, and the Interior Minister called for “zero tolerance” against “glorification terrorism”.

“Police have increased patrols in parts of London to ensure a visible presence and reassure our communities,” the Metropolitan Police said.

Immigration Secretary Robert Jenrick shared a video on the social network X showing people waving Palestinian flags in the street and blaring car horns.

Demonstrations in support of Palestinians in the Middle East

In Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, demonstrations in support of the Palestinians took place on Saturday and Sunday.


In Iran, a country whose president said he supports “the self-defense of the Palestinian nation” and holds Israel “responsible”, several hundred people demonstrated on Sunday in several major cities in Iran, including its capital Tehran, waving flags. Palestinians.


A large crowd gathers in Palestine Square in Tehran, Iran.

In Tehran, large posters could be read: “The great liberation operation has begun”. Israeli flags were burned.

In the streets, motorists with Palestinian flags honked their horns to express their joy, and fireworks were set off in several localities, according to images from the official IRNA agency.


In Lebanon, Hezbollah organized a rally on Sunday in its stronghold in the southern suburbs of Beirut to support the Palestinian offensive.


Hezbollah supporters wave the group’s flag, along with those of Palestine and Lebanon, during a rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza, a southern suburb of Beirut.

A senior member of the Lebanese movement, Hachem Safieddine, paid tribute to “the heroes of Gaza” and affirmed that “the time for revenge has come”, cheered by his supporters who chanted “Death to Israel”.


In Damascus, young people handed out pastries to cars in a central square in the Syrian capital as a sign of joy.


Thousands of Turks took part in a march in Istanbul to support the Palestinians. “The Palestinian people are only defending their homeland, it has nothing to do with terrorism,” Sahin Ocal, 54, an activist from one of the associations organizing the march, told AFP.


In Sanaa, protesters also gathered in support of the Palestinians and burned Israeli and American flags. Houthi militiamen, supported by Iran and who control Sanaa, chanted “Death to America, death to Israel”.


A demonstration in support of the Palestinians is expected late Sunday afternoon in the holy Shiite city of Karbala.

On Saturday, around 100 protesters gathered in the capital Baghdad in a downtown square to celebrate the Hamas offensive, waving Palestinian flags. Protesters trampled and set fire to Israeli flags and chanted “no to the United States, no to Israel.”

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