Confident, Valérie Pécresse sells herself for having “folded” Éric Zemmour in the presidential race!

According to the latest Opinion 2022 poll, carried out by the Elabe institute for BFMTV and the Express this Wednesday, March 16, 2022, Valérie Pécresse progresses by one point in the polls by now collecting 11.5% of the voting intentions, followed by Éric Zemmour, who for his part meets 10.5% of the voting intentions, falling by 0.5 points… A small progression for the LR candidate who, moreover, did not wait for this poll to declare victory!

Indeed, according to our colleagues from PointValérie Pécresse was already “euphoric” following her tough debate with Éric Zemmour on LCI on March 10. “Understand, we do not kill Zemmour with white gloves, we had to go. It’s done, I killed him! And now I’m going to kill Le Pen! », she would have declared within the confines of the Luxembourg Palace according to the participants.

“I bent Zemmour by showing that his program was unworkable and that he would be an impotent president. I showed his collusion with Putin and his lies on immigration”she would also have launched, boasting of having slowed down her progress in the polls. “You have to keep hitting him to bring him down. He has no program, he sucked! » would have concluded Valérie Pécresse in front of the deputies of her political party.

While Marine Le Pen does not wish to debate with her, still according to our colleagues from the Pointthe President of the Regional Council of Île-de-France believes that the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen would be “afraid” of her… Decidedly, Valérie Pécresse does not lack self-confidence!


See also: Eric Zemmour in Face à Baba: “insults” and a “confrontation” broke out behind the scenes

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